* To inculcate the values of health and hygiene
Personal hygiene (washing, dressing, eating, etc)
Household cleanliness (kitchen, bathroom cleanliness, etc)
Community cleanliness (waste collection, common places, etc)
* To enhance the values of waste disposal, segregation and treatment
* To help, create and manage sustainable water and sanitation solutions that target remote and impoverished areas.
* Clean water initiatives
* To develop easy, cost effective, technologically appropriate clean energy solutions
* To address culture, gender and conflict experiences.
* To promote tree plantation and afforestation.
* To raise awarness about biodiversity and environment protection.
* To promote echo friendly techonologies and means for healthy and green environment.
* To promote use of cost effective, culturally appropriate and customized sanitation majors.
* To prevent the disease and other consequences of ill-health, relating to environmental factors
* To promote use of biogas & bio-toilets